Condo association is asking me to repair my neighbors fence before selling?

I'll keep this short and to the point. We are selling our condo. The buyers want to close in just a few weeks, which is A-Okay with us.

The condo association came out to inspect the place. They dinged us on a few minor things that I expected them to bring up. BUT, they asked us to repair the fence.

Our condo does not have a fence. The condos on either side of us have fences enclosing their backyards, but we have none. The repair they want is where our neighbors fence is broken and leaning slightly into our backyard. No part of this fence encloses our yard. It doesn't touch our condo. It is not ours.

If it came right down to it, I'll fix the fracking fence. It would actually be an easy repair. BUT, what puzzles me is why they would ding us for that at all. Even more, the house with the broken fence was sold within the last year. I would imagine the condo association did an inspection for them too.

Why the heck did they not ask the previous owners to fix that fence? Why are they pegging that on us, when no part of that fence encloses our yard or even touches our old condo? Is it even worth disputing, considering I don't want to fuck up our closing timeline?

I'll be so happy when that old place is out of my life.

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